A workbench and peg board set up inside of one of Westwood Shed's outdoor buildings.

Designing Your Dream Tool Shed: A Beginner’s Guide

Whether you're an avid DIY enthusiast, a gardening lover, or simply someone who values an organized outdoor space, having a dedicated storage area for your tools is essential. But, when it comes to tool sheds, there's no one-size-fits-all option. That's why sometimes the best solution is to take matters into your own hands. By this, we mean designing a customized shed tailored to your needs.

In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know to create the shed of your dreams, covering all the necessary steps to bring your vision to life.

1. Assess your needs

To get started, you'll need to take stock of your tools and equipment. It's important to think about what items you currently own, and those you'd like to acquire in the future. With this information, you can determine how much storage space you'll need to store your tools effectively.

2. Choose a location

Next, it's time to choose the perfect location for your new shed in your yard. Here are some tips to consider when making your decision: 

  • Balance privacy and security with easy accessibility
  • Find a spot with enough sunlight but not too much exposure
  • Pick a flat, stable area with good drainage
  • Plan for future landscaping and utilities

3. Check local regulations

Before you get started, check with your local authorities to make sure you're following any regulations or zoning laws. You may need permits or approvals before building your shed.

4. Select a shed design

When choosing the ideal shed design, think about the overall style of your home and backyard. Whether you opt for a Quaker shed, utility shed, or barn-style shed – it's a good idea to go with a design style that complements the existing aesthetic of your property. By harmonizing your shed's design with your home's overall look, you can create a cohesive and visually appealing outdoor space.

5. Plan your layout

Sketch a rough floor plan for your shed to picture how the space will be laid out. Considering elements like sunlight, airflow, and roof design, decide where you want doors, windows, and shelves to go. Think about how you'll organize your tools for easiest access, and make sure the layout works well in your space. Planning ahead like this helps create a shed that’s perfect for your needs and makes your work easier.


6. Consider storage solutions

When planning your tool shed, think about how you'll organize your tools and equipment to make the most of your space and keep things organized. Here are some storage ideas to consider:

  • Shelves: Add shelves along the walls to store smaller items like hand tools and gardening supplies.
  • Hooks and hangers: Use wall-mounted hooks to hang larger tools and bulky items, keeping them off the floor and within reach.
  • Pegboards: Install a pegboard for flexible storage of hand tools, keeping them neatly arranged and easy to grab.
  • Tool racks and organizers: Get specialized racks and organizers to hold specific tools, maximizing space and keeping everything organized.
  • Overhead storage: Add overhead racks or shelves for storing items used less often, like seasonal decorations or camping gear.
  • Built-in cabinets: Keep your shed neat with built-in cabinets offering extra space for storing chemicals, paints, and other items.

7. Build or install your shed

Whether you decide to tackle the project yourself or collaborate with a custom shed company, it's crucial to make sure that the construction is done right for a sturdy and long-lasting shed. If choosing a custom shed company, research different options, read reviews, and request quotes to find a reputable company that meets your requirements.

8. Personalize your space

Add personal touches to make your shed feel like your own. Consider painting the exterior, adding decorative accents, or landscaping around the shed.


9. Plan for maintenance

Create a maintenance plan to keep your shed in top condition over time. Regularly inspect the structure for any signs of wear and tear or damage. If you notice any issues, make repairs promptly to guarantee your shed stays in good condition for years.

10. Enjoy your new tool shed

Once everything is in place, take a moment to appreciate the hard work that went into creating your new tool shed. Use this space to its fullest potential by tackling DIY projects, organizing your gardening supplies, or simply storing your tools safely to keep them in top condition.

Key takeaway

Designing a tool shed begins with recognizing the value of having a dedicated space for your tools and equipment. There's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all tool shed, so creating a customized shed tailored to your needs is often the best approach. You can create a shed that perfectly suits your requirements by assessing your unique needs, choosing the right location, selecting a suitable style, planning your layout, considering storage solutions, and following the other tips in this blog.


Elevate your outdoor space with Westwood Sheds' custom tool sheds

If you want to invest in a tool shed that transforms how you store and organize your tools, look no further than Westwood Sheds. With a proud heritage rooted in Due West, SC, our customized shed models embody over 150 years of combined expertise and skilled craftsmanship. Whether playing with size variations, exploring different models, or considering customizations like doors, windows, and exterior features – this is your opportunity to shape your dream shed. Try our user-friendly online instant estimator, which lets you customize and configure free shed plans to align perfectly with your preferences. Whether you're looking to store garden tools, pool supplies, or DIY equipment – we have you covered.

At Westwood Sheds, we're not just offering sheds; we're offering the chance to bring your vision to life with convenience and quality craftsmanship. Design your very own shed online now, or find your nearest Westwood Sheds store to visit in person. 


Design and build a shed for life. Your life!

This free online tool allows you to see how much each shed costs. As you design your shed, you will see an instant estimate, allowing you to create a shed you love that fits in your budget!
